Sunday, 8 March 2015

Editing - Making Titles in motion 2

Second Lesson:

We used this editing session to make our film's title, 'Mates'. We experimented different templates to find a suitable template that would look nice when introducing our title, but none of them satisfied us. The template we used for the title of our film was the same as the other titles. The title fades in, stays on screen for awhile, and then fades out. We placed the title of our film at the center of the screen to make sure our audience knows it's the title. We made the title larger than the other titles because it's the most important title, and decided to make it pink since this suits our website and blog style.

Towards the end of this session we began adding the titles to our film using Final Cut Pro. We created a new folder in Final Cut Pro and imported our titles. At this point, we just dragged and dropped the titles into the opening sequence.

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