Saturday, 7 March 2015

Editing - Making Titles in Motion 1

Date: 04/03/2015

Today, we began to create titles for our film using the software application known as Motion. All the shots and scenes for the opening sequence were in order, but we needed to create and add the titles to our film.

We chose a template where each letter for each title faded in slowly at half second intervals. The titles would be on screen for a short period of time then fade away again. After we chose our template, we experimented and discussed the different styles/fonts we could use for the titles. Eventually, we chose 'Microsoft Tai Le' - a simple style. Then, we discussed the colours we wanted the titles to be. We experimented different colours and tones. Eventually, we chose a mixture of light purple and a even lighter shade of purple. We used the 'color' circle/wheel tool to pick the colour for our titles.

Next, we began discussing where we wanted the titles to appear on screen. We decided the titles that show the name of the three main female characters should each appear at the bottom right-hand side of the screen. Titles of the main male character would appear at the bottom left-hand side of the screen. Titles that show the names of the people that were involved in the production of the film appear at the bottom center of the screen, such as director, producer, music supervisor, etc. Titles that show the name of minor characters appear at the centre, but on the right-hand side of the screen.

The titles were too thin and didn't have an option to make them bold. So we decided to add an outline to the title using the same colour as the title to make it appear as though it is bigger and bolder.

You can create an outline by using this tool. Go to the 'Style' option. The two things I circled in red are used to add an outline to make the titles appear thicker. First, tick the box that says 'outline'. Then click the drop down box to pick a colour for the outline.

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