Friday, 16 January 2015

22. Initial ideas

Initial ideas

As a group, we have decided to produce a title sequence based on high school dramas. Our main inspiration comes from the High School drama, The Breakfast Club. This is because of the way the film clearly follows the connotations of a typical high school drama, and the way the audience can identify it as a teen drama, and is familiar with it.

However we have chosen to film a title over moving images, whilst a narrative plays. This is because we feel that this is the most natural way to open a scene, and that having a narrative play means the audience can get engaged from the very start. In addition, research from analysing past high school dramas shows that these types of teen dramas begin with this. The film itself does not have titles over moving images, and rather  titles over a blank screen, however titles over a blank screen tend to be quite tedious and uninteresting, and we really want to engage our audience.

To get a better understanding on what should be looking for, we found out some profile information which is based on the film The Breakfast Club

Our target audience is those 15-25, as the majority of our audience are mature we thought we should focus more on the mature factor of the movie. However, since it is a high school drama, we should also keep our audience entertained by mixing in funny, probably including some humorous looking shots in the sequence, like the film does.

INITIAL IDEAS - action behind titles

  • Close ups and match cuts of students and objects within school environment
  • Flashback/backstory to main character
  • Pans of the inside and outside of building 
  • Focus on one character / group of friends and the types of characters
  • Focus on an object as it moves across and area or changes 

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