Wednesday, 21 January 2015

17. Practical Remake Activity - Evaluate your sequence

How easy or difficult was it to create the title credits?

  • Motion is a pretty straightforward software that is easy to use. This meant creating the title credits was easy. The biggest problem was probably choosing a template that our group could agree on.
What decisions did you make when deciding on the font, typeface and size of titles?

  • Font, typeface and size of titles play a major role in the success of an opening sequence. We chose a simple, minimal and plain font to not over-complicate the opening sequence with an over killed style. Complicated fonts and typefaces being used in an opening sequence could very well put the audience off the film. This is because an opening sequence is intended to engage the audience at the start of the film, but if the opening sequence is not engaging it could very well do the opposite of the deliberate effect. We chose a titles size that wasn't too big, nor too small. We made it big enough to be seen, but we didn't want to make the font too big as we thought it would look unappealing for the audience.
How successful is your choice of font? Does it suit the tone of the film?

  • Teenagers are portrayed as living an easy life, and the simplicity of the font represents the easy life lived by teenagers. We think the choice of font is partially successful because it's easy to read and wouldn't over-complicate the opening sequence. Simple fonts can be engaging, but not super-engaging, which creates a balanced effect. This means it's engaging to an extent and the audience is engaged, but not overly engaged. When we look at the font again we see some aspects that suit the tone of the film. However, our discussions final conclusion was the font didn't suit the tone of the film. We could have used a more messy font style to hint that the film had a relation to teenagers and high-school dramas. This is because teenagers are associated with being messy and we came to the belief that a messy font style could portray this.
If you were to complete this task again, what would you do differently?

  • If we were to complete this task again we would use a different font style for the titles. We would choose a font style that is relevant for a high-school teen drama film, such as a messy font, and could hint a relation to teenagers.

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