Friday, 2 January 2015

Favourite Film Title sequence.

The title sequence i will be analysing is from the British action/gang film 'The Business'.
The film starts off showing the production company using animation, this is shown quickly and neatly in which it then moves onto a blank screen. during this blank screen moment, there is a voice over, the audience can immediately tell that the actor is British, more specifically from east London due to the cockney accent used in the voice over, the voice over gives you a slight back story of the character, but not of the movie itself. Following this is retro 80's music which straight away tells the audience which era this is set in, and once again the production and distribution companies are shown on the screen in an animated manner.

Then moving swiftly on into the beginning of the film with the two main characters running through an exotic looking town, (which shows that they are not in London.) but the costume does show that they are British as one of the actors are wearing a union jack flag print jacket, also later when the two actors kick a Spanish residents door down, (connoting this wll be a action and somewhat  violent film) and start shouting, their accents once again show they are east Londoners. After this there are no more title sequences and the film continues, going straight into a fight which sets the genre and mood onto what type of film this is. The rest of the credits are shown at the end of the film, this title sequence more focuses on setting the scene of the film that it does on acknowledging the actors.

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