Title sequences are used by institutions to establish the company credited with producing and distributing the film along with the name of the film. However some title sequences are further adapted by credits by a mainstream film rather than an independent film.
To see this we can analyse a mainstream film such as "10 Things I Hate About You"
From analysing the title sequence we can see the order of credits of
Film title "10 Things I Hate About You"
11 actors
Casing by
Executive music producers
Costume designers
Co- Producers
Production Designer
Director of Photography
Written by
And as always the director at the end
It is known that the films budget was overall $16 million using IMDB showing the films budget. This shows that this movie is a mainstream movie as there is a huge amount of money put into the production of a film and so it it therefore affordable to show many credits and more people included in the film. This can also suggests that this movie was a very popular and known film.
However there are independent movies made such as "My Brother the Devil"
In this title sequence we can identify credits in the following order of:
Production x3
Executive Producers
Producers x3
Film title "My Brother the Devil"
Writer + Director
Using IMDB it is said that this film used £650,000 to produce and $10,000 used to show this film in the USA on 2 screens. In comparison to "10 Things I Hate About You," this film is shown to have a lower budget as the title sequence doesn't show as many credits which suggests that this film was not popular worldwide. Therefore, it can be concluded that mainstream films are more successful than independent films mostly due to the fact that they have more money to produce the film and so have a better adapted title sequence.
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